Adenine Synthesis in Interstellar Space: Mechanisms of Prebiotic
Pyrimidine Ring-Formation in Monocyclic HCN-Pentamers
Rainer Glaser, Brian Hodgen, Dean Farrelly, and Elliott
Department of Chemistry,
University of Missouri-Columbia,
Columbia, Missouri, 65211 (USA)
The free CHIME
plugin is required for the display of the pdb files of the following
FIG. 4.
Molecular models of the stationary structures along the paths
8 to TS(8,(E)-9) to (E)-9,
8 to TS(8,(Z)-9) to (Z)-9,
and along
(E)-9 to TS((E)-9,10) to 10.
FIG. 6.
Molecular models of mono- and bicyclic HCN-pentamers:
Formamidines 6a, 5a and 5b (top row),
keteneimines 7b and 7c (center row), and pentamers
(E)-2, (Z)-2, and adenine 1 itself.
Animation I: Formation of

Animation II: Formation of

Animation III: Proton-Transfer from
(Z)-2 to 10.

Animation IV = II + III: Sequence involving
Formation of (Z)-2 and Subsequent Proton-Transfer to form 10.