Serine Protease Chymotrypin with Bound Inhibitor

Entry retrieved from the Protein Data Bank at RCSB.

1AFQ: Complex (Serine Protease Inhibitor). Date: Mar 12, 1997.
Title: Crystal Structure Of Bovine Gamma-Chymotrypsin
Complexed With A Synthetic Inhibitor.
Authors: S.Sugio, A.Kashima, Y.Inoue, I.Maeda, T.Nose, Y.Shimohigashi
Molecule: Bovine Gamma-Chymotrypsin.
Source: Organism_scientific: Bos Taurus.
Molecule: D-Leucyl-L-Phenylalanyl-P-Fluorobenzylamide.
Method: X-Ray Diffraction. Resolution 1.80 Ang.
Ligand:DLE (D-leucine), FBA (4-fluorobenzylamine), SO4 (sulfate ion).

The serine protease is shown as ribbons and the ligands are shown as spacefill models with CPK colors. Try to identify all ligands. Then, change the display and try to find the serine 195 (CH2-OH side chain) in the binding pocket.

Figure. The X-ray structure of the serine protease chymotrypsin with bound inhibitor.