Hexokinase Complex With Glucose

Entry retrieved from the Protein Data Bank at RCSB.

1HKB: Phosphotransferase. Date: Dec 01, 1997.
Compound: Crystal Structure Of Recombinant Human Brain Hexokinase Type I
Complexed With Glucose And Glucose-6-Phosphate
Authors: R.B.Honzatko.
Compound: D-Glucose 6-Phosphotransferase
Source: Homo Sapiens.
Method: X-Ray Diffraction: Resolution 2.8 .
Ligand: GLC (glucose), G6P (glucose-6-phosphate, CA (calcium ion).

The enyzme complexed to glucose is displayed as "ribbons" and the color is selected so as to show the "chains" so that the dimeric nature of the complex comes to the fore. The ligands are shown as spacefilling models. Zoom in and find out how amny ligands and cations there are and which ligands are glucose and glucose-6-phosphate. Can you find the calcium ion? How are the ions bonded? Finally, how did the structure of the enzyme change as the result of the complexation of glucose?

Figure. The X-ray structure of the enzyme hexokinase complexed with glucose, glucose-6-phosphate and calcium dication.