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© 1996, 1997 Rainer Glaser. All rights reserved.

The University of Missouri at Columbia
Chemistry 210 - Organic Chemistry I - Winter Semester 1997


Instructor Professor Rainer Glaser
Office 321 Chemistry Building
Telephone (573) 882-0331
Chemistry 210 Website on WWW

There will be 46 lectures which includes an introduction and three one-hour-exams. Note that the course starts on Wednesday, January 22. The following course schedule is preliminary and I might lengthen or shorten parts of the course as I see fit depending on feedback. What this schedule provides is primarily the sequence of the material we will cover. Note that suggested reading and exercises & self-study are specified in the last two columns. Self-study assignments will be added as the semester progresses. You should have read the chapters before that lecture is given. We will omit parts of various chapters and appropriate announcements will be made in class. And remember: Chemistry can be great fun but good things never come easy!

Nr. Day Date Topic Reading Self-Study
1 W 1/22 Introduction Syllabus et al. none assigned
2 F 1/24 Structure & Bonding Chapter 1 none assigned
3 M 1/27 Structure & Bonding Chapter 1 none assigned
4 W 1/29 Structure & Bonding Chapter 1 none assigned
5 F 1/31 Alkanes Ch. 2.1-4 Interact. Exer. 1
6 M 2/3 Alkanes Ch. 2.5-8 GTQs for Chap. 1
7 W 2/5 Reactions of Alkanes Ch 3.1-4 to be assigned
8 F 2/7 Alkenes, Project Groups Formed Ch 3.5-8 to be assigned
9 M 2/10 Reactions of Alkanes Ch 3.8-10 to be assigned
10 W 2/12 Cyclic Alkanes Ch 4.1-4 to be assigned
11 F 2/14 Cyclic Alkanes Ch 4.5-7 to be assigned
12 M 2/17 Stereoisomers Ch 5.1-3 to be assigned
13 W 2/19 Examination No 1 (Ch 1-3) Review none
14 F 2/21 Stereoisomers Ch 5.4-6 to be assigned
15 M 2/24 Stereoisomers Ch 5.7-8 Interact. Exer. 2
16 W 2/26 Haloalkanes, SN2 Ch 6.1-4 to be assigned
17 F 2/28 Haloalkanes, SN2 Ch 6.5-6 to be assigned
18 M 3/3 Haloalkanes, SN2 Ch 6.7-9 to be assigned
19 W 3/5 SN1 & E Ch 7.1-5 to be assigned
20 F 3/7 SN1 & E, GP Write-Up Due Ch 7.6-7 to be assigned
21 M 3/10 SPRING BREAK - to be assigned
22 W 3/12 SPRING BREAK - to be assigned
23 F 3/14 SPRING BREAK - to be assigned
24 M 3/17 SN1 & E, Group Projects Posted Ch 7.8-9 to be assigned
25 W 3/19 Examination No 2 (Ch 4 - 6) review to be assigned
26 F 3/21 Alcohols Ch 8.1-4 to be assigned
27 M 3/24 Alcohols Ch 8.5-6 to be assigned
28 W 3/26 Alcohols Ch 8.7-9 to be assigned
29 F 3/28 Ethers Ch 9.1-4 to be assigned
30 M 3/31 Ethers Ch. 9.5-7 to be assigned
31 W 4/2 Ethers Ch 9.8-11 to be assigned
32 F 4/4 NMR, GP Evaluations Due Ch 10.1-4 to be assigned
33 M 4/7 NMR Ch 10.5-7 to be assigned
34 W 4/9 NMR Ch 10.8-9 to be assigned
35 F 4/11 Alkenes, GP Results Posted Ch 11.1-4 to be assigned
36 M 4/14 IR Spectroscopy Ch 11.5 to be assigned
37 W 4/16 Examination No 3 (Ch 7-10) review to be assigned
38 F 4/18 Alkenes Ch 11.6-9 to be assigned
39 M 4/21 Alkene Reactions Ch 12.1-6 to be assigned
40 W 4/23 Additions Ch 12.7-11 to be assigned
41 F 4/25 Additions Ch 12.12-16 to be assigned
42 M 4/28 Alkynes Ch 13.1-6 to be assigned
43 W 4/30 Alkynes Ch 13.7-12 to be assigned
44 F 5/2 Conjugation & UV/Vis Ch 14.1-4 to be assigned
45 M 5/5 Conjugation Ch 14.5-10 to be assigned
46 W 5/7 UV/Vis Spectroscopy Ch 14.11 to be assigned
- M 5/12 Comprehensive Final
with focus on Ch. 11-14
review none

Excellence is a Habit