Peer Assessment of Group 15 Peer Assessment of Group 15

Category G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 Average
Visual Appeal 10 9 10 8 10 -
Content 10 10 10 7 8 -
WWW Suitability 10 9 10 9 9 -
Relevance to 210 10 10 10 10 10 -
Personal Gain 10 9 10 10 9 -
TOTAL from Peers 50 47 50 44 46 47
Technical Merit 50+15
TOTAL for GP 112

Evaluation by Group 6
(1) Group 6- Chmical Activity
(2) Group 15- The Unknowns
(3) Visual Appeal: 10  Movement of molecules was very fun!  Loved the
animated sites.
(4) Content of sites: 10
(5) WWW Suitability: 10  Frame by frame movement of molecules can not be
seen in a book, but on the net.
(6) Relevance to Chem 210: 10  
(7) Personal gain: 10  

Very original and pertinent to chemistry. Portrayed information in a
direct and informative manner.  GREAT SITE!

Evaluation by Group 7
(1) Group #7 Chem Tigers
(2) Group #15 The Unknowns
(3) 9
(4) 10
(5) 9
(6) 10
(7) 9
Total: 47

Evaluation by Group 8

(1)Group 8 Freak Accident
(2)Group 15 
(3)Visual Appeal of Site:10
(5)WWW suitability:10
(6)relevance to chem 210:10
(7)personal gain:10
	Great site!  Well organized!

Evaluation by Group 9

(1) Group Number and Name of Evaluators- 9, Pie Stars

(2) Group Number and Name of Evaluees- 15, The Unknowns

(3) Visual Appeal: 8 points (not overly attractive)

(4) Content of Site:  7 points (contains basic info about Buckminister
(5) WWW Suitability:  9 points (attractive and informational sites)

(6) Relevance to Chem 210:  10 points (made up of carbon, very relevant to
                            many chem applications)
(7) Personal Gain: 10 points

Total: 44 points

Evaluation by Group 10

(1) #10 WESAYSO Inc.
(2) #15 The Unknowns
One site imparticular included a "collision of the molecules" this was
fun to watch.

There was not alot of information in the sites as compared to what would
have been desired.

The visual animation would be difficult to find in a library, etc....

This subject is almost dealing fully with organic chemistry, therefore
it is fully relevant to organic chemistry.

(7)Personal Gain:9
The sites explained a topic that was not something of common knowledge.
Therefore a lot could be learned.