Search Strategies
Basic seaching strategies were employed by the members of What's That
Smell??? At first, we searched for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, as
that was our first idea. However, after it appeared more and more that
PAHs were a bad idea, one of the group members remembered Dr. Glaser's
mentioning of the "spinning caffeine" and "the favorite molecule." These
were brought to the attention of the group, and, after discussing other
alternatives such as BST (bovine somatotropin) and some food chemistry,
it was agreed that we would pick a single molecule. I (Joe) mentioned THC
just as a whimsical idea, and there was some resistance. However, after
searching for information on THC, we agreed that it was a good choice.
We searched for information using various internet search engines, such as
Infoseek, Webcrawler, and Lycos. Lycos was exceptionally good as it
allows searches specifically for WWW pictures and sounds. Lycos provided
us with our full-page picture of THC.
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That Smell???
Group Dynamics of What's That Smell???
Group Dynamics
Several key aspects of our group dynamics are worth mentioning. First, it
seemed that no one wanted to make any decisions. Ofttimes, the group
would just be recycling the same statement over and over. This is
highlighted by the fact that we had but three meetings, which were
sparsely attended. Carrie is the only one who attended every scheduled
meeting. This project had to "take a back seat" to other, more important
items on the agenda.
We generally worked well together, but it was unanimously agreed that each
of us worked best individually. The idea of "forced group learning" was
uncomfortable at best, frightful at worst. This is something that I
would not prefer to do again, as it seemed to take more time, worry, and
effort than even an exam.
A positive result of our group learning, however, was the creation
of a study group between Carrie, Sam, and myself (Joe). We have this
class together, in addition to Cell Biology. Since we had an exam during
the course of this project, the project group facilitated the formation of
our study group while giving us a chance to be exposed to each other under
"cramming" conditions. Therefore, this chemistry project was not a total
loss, but I, along will the others, would prefer not to do this again.
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That Smell???
Group Formation and Meetings
Our group was formed by the conjunction of two un-official pre-groups.
Andy Reinhart and Traci Roberts were looking for three people, and Sam
Medaris, Carrie Wessler, and I (Joe Turner) were looking for two other
people. Sam and
I knew Andy from a Freshman Interest Group that were members of in the
fall of 1995. Therefore, we all congealed into the current group.
Our first meeting was in Brady Commons, and we met for a brief time to
possible ideas and to introduce everyone. Our next four schedule meetings
were cancelled due to extenuating circumstances; however, we continued to
use e-mail as a source of communication. On February 24th, we met for
two hours at Brady Commons, after
settling on our idea, to compile the sites that we had found and delegate
work. Carrie wrote the section on Group Meetings and Formation (this
page), Sam wrote the body of the index page, Traci and Andy chose the
sites and graphics, and I coded the pages into HTML. In addition, we met
all day on March 1st at Sam Medaris' house to conduct a final edit of the
page, resulting in its current form.
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That Smell???
Sniff...sniff...What's That Smell??
THC is a site everyone should hit
Welcome! You have entered the realm of organic chemistry. How
about a little marijuana--actually, THC, or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.
For starters, take a look at a space-filling model so that you'll know
exactly what we're talking about.

The Science of THC
We suppose you may know some basics on our beloved THC, but for more
in-depth, scientific understanding, try clicking at any of the following
well-researched sites:
The Recreational Use of THC
Now that you know more than you possibly want to know about the science of
THC, we can move on to the higher aspects of THC. For a grab-bag
of THC uses, this is the way to
The Dangers of Using THC
Marijuana use isn't all fun and games, however. Check out some of the
acute effects of
Other THC Information
We will close out this page with an opportunity to broaden your mind and
take a trip outside the world of bong hits and chemical data. Check out
What's That Smell??? Group Information
Group Members and How to Reach Us
This site produced by
Last updated 23.4.1997. This site does not
condone the use of
marijuana for anything but medically approved purposes while under the
supervision of a physician.
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