Group Members

Carmen Beck
Amanda Burton
Jason Doke

Sean Doke
Sara Heck
Ryan Lindner
Brian Nixon

Group Formation

Our group was formed when Jason and Sean were approached in class by Sara. Carmen called Sara and joined the group while there were still three people. Amanda, Brian, and Ryan all found and joined the group over the Internet.

Group Meetings

The group met twice per week for one to two hours each time. We met in Brady Commons to discuss our own findings. To assemble the page, we met in Blair computer lab for several hours until it was complete.

Hey, Where'd You Get That Beer?

We decided to research a topic that would appeal to college students and have relevance to chemistry. Beer seemed to be the perfect choice. In researching our topic, we decided to browse the web to find information on our own and then come together to collaborate our findings and choose the best and most interesting sites.

Do you ever wonder where you got that beer? There is more to it than just getting it from the local bars. First of all, you must know the Raw Materials and Process of Brewing. This is of course the basis of all the beer you drink. This may seem a bit complicated, but this Diagram might help to simplify the process. For a more specific breakdown, take a look at the Malting Process. Another critical process is Fermentation, which produces Ethanol. Ethanol is best shown by this Diagram. Now that you know how your beer was made and its chemical basis, you know exactly what you are drinking. However, be careful when you do drink, because Ethanol Abuse and alcohol related accidents are serious problems.

Looking for a place to schmooze? Check out the Virtual Brewery.

Group Dynamics

While working as a group, we only encountered a few small problems and had a great time. It was difficult finding a time that worked for seven people at once, and often we had to work with less than a full group. Our topic was broad enough to make it easy to find thousands of sites, but this made the task of narrowing them down somewhat difficult. Several hours of individual time went into finding the sites, and it was interesting to find out how to make web page and write html. We all worked well together and are glad to say we would do the same again.

Click Below To Go To The Brewery

Hey, if you want to give us some feedback on our site just e-mail us at:

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