Peer Assessment of Group 29 Peer Assessment of Group 29

Category G21 G22 G23 G24 - Average
Visual Appeal 9 10 10 10 - -
Content 8 9 10 9 - -
WWW Suitability 10 10 9 9 - -
Relevance to 210 8 9 9 9 - -
Personal Gain 9 7 10 8 - -
TOTAL from Peers 44 45 48 45 - 46
Technical Merit 50
TOTAL for GP 96

Evaluation by Group 21

1. Evaluators:  Group #21 - The Randoms
2. Evaluatees:  Group #29 - Heineken

Visual Appeal  9
Content  8
WWW Suitability  10
Relevance to Chem 210  8
Personal Gain  9

Total  44

Evaluation by Group 22
Group 29:
1. 10
2. 9
3. 10
4. 9
5. 7
Total:  45
Comments:  needed more cohesion, not sure how sites related to each other

Evaluation by Group 23
Professor Glaser,
        Here is one of  our evaluations

Evaluators group #23 The Magnificent DANAN
                     Nicole White
                     Darren Perry

we evaluated the group as follows:

Group #29 Heineken

                        Visual Appeal-10
*The sites and diagrams were superior and keep my attention complimenting
the text.
*The text  was interesting and each author seemed very knowledgeable.
                        WWW Suitability-9
*I believe that this is a very difficult question to answer but I feel
that the WWW allows for a lot of info to be obtained simultaneously making
it a superior medium.
                        Relevance to Chem 210-9 
*Surprisingly to me this group did relate their topic to chemistry through
text and figures. 
                        Personal Gain-10
*After seeing this site we felt that we had gained info which otherwise
would have been unknown.

                        Total- 48

Evaluation by Group 24
Commissioner Gordon:
Here is the Batsignal!!!!
Group 24 evulation of groups 26, 27, 29, 30

                26       27       29       30
Visual         9         9        10       10 
Content        9         9        9         10
WWW            9        10        9         9
Relevence      9        10        9         9
Personal Gain  8        8         8         9

Total          44       46        45        47

Group 29:   Perfumes seducing women makes the females of this group want
to smack someone.  You need to hook up to the "Pornstars-Girls Girls
Girls" site with group 18.  Be careful--your sites may, and have,

Now -OFF TO THE BATCAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!