Peer Assessment of Group 2 Peer Assessment of Group 2

Category G31 G32 G33 G34 G35 Average
Visual Appeal 9 8 10 9 10 -
Content 10 10 10 8 9 -
WWW Suitability 10 8 10 10 10 -
Relevance to 210 9 10 8 8 10 -
Personal Gain 10 9 8 9 10 -
TOTAL from Peers 48 45 46 44 49 46
Technical Merit 50+15
TOTAL for GP 111

Evaluation by Group 31
Group #2 MDs2B
1.  Visual Appeal    =9
2.  Content          =10
3.  WWW Suitablilty  =10
4.  Relevance to 210 =9
5.  Personal Gain    =10

             Total   =48
Comments:  Very interesting setup,enjoyable to read with a lot of variety.
The relevancy to 210 was not very apparent though.

Evaluation by Group 32
1. Group 32--Five Strangers

2. Group  2--MDS2B

3. Visual Appeal of Site: 8

4. Content: 10

Excellent content of links, just haphazardly laid out...

5. WWW Suitibility: 8

6. Relevence: 10

Another obviously Organic Chemistry related topic; what could be more
organic than fats?

7. Personal Gain: 9

Interesting topic, that applies to anyone who eats snack food.

Evaluation by Group 33
Group 2
Visual appeal    : 10
Content          : 10
WWW Suitability  : 10
Relevance to 210 : 8
Personal Gain    : 8
Total            : 46

It looks nice, the topic is good, but even though we are not supposed to
evaluate the group on their html file, but , frankly, we advise for a next
time to make the site more colorful, for intresting. But ,in whole, it
looks good.

Evaluation by Group 34

When I e-mailed in group 34's critiques of the web pages, I mistyped 
your address and the email came back to me.  So, here they are again:

Group 2

Evaluation by Group 35

Visual Appeal-10
WWW Suitability-10
Relevance to Chem 210-10
Personal Gain-10
Comments: Great topic choice! Maybe the explanation of what Olestra
actually is could have been a little easier to understand.