
The Nonamers

Group Members

G. Todd Robison #681109

Erica Byerly #665686

Jamie Joyce #665070

Rebecca Melichar #665882

Jaime Arnsmeyer #663835

Catherine Williams #674937

Group Formation

The Nonamers formed from a collaboration of friends that knew each other through taking several classes together over the last 2 years.

Group Meetings The Nonamers held four meetings. All members attended each meeting,in the Arts and Sciences computer lab, in which we searched countless web pages: mostly looking for the molecule picture, so appreciate that one. We met on Sunday and Thursday nights, for approximately an hour each time. With six people it was difficult to find times in which all members were available, a few sickneses slowed us down, but we pulled through. We hope everyone enjoys our web page.

What's Killing America?

People today are very concerned with their health and fitness. Fat is a major component of our diets in which Cholesterol is a part. Cholesterol is a four ringed lipid molecule that in large quantities is detrimential to a person's health. Do not be mistaken, not all cholesterol is bad; LDL is harmful and HDL is Beneficial. Humans must limit how much cholesterol they consume in their daily diets. A major source of cholesterol for Americans is fast food. Restaurantssuch as McDonalds, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut have substantial amounts of cholesterol in their products. There are many risks in consuming large portions of cholesterol, and it is essential that we become educated about these risks. Potential harms of cholesterol can be prevented. If one possesses the knowledge and has a capacity to understand the negative effects of cholesterol he or she will have a greater chance of living a long and healthy life.

Group Dynamics The Nonamers worked together quite well. The only difficulity we ran into was finding times that were convienent for all group members. We were able to use our group as a refrence base for problems we were having while studying for the first test. I feel that all of us benefited from the group interaction. This was the first time any of us had made sufficient use of the internet. I would like to thank my friends that spent so much time teaching us how to build a web page. I went from not having set up my e-mail account four weeks ago, to learning how to complete a working web page. We had intended to put our pictures on the page, but due to lack of time this is what we have for you. Enjoy! enter here