MU Chemistry 210 WS97
Web Notes Project

It is the goal of the web notes project to provide a comprehensive set of the Chemistry 210 lecture notes on the web. This project will be carried out in the context of a student-professor collaboration in conjunction with the Bingham Multimedia Site under the direction of Matt Kerner.

In the first phase of the project, it is intended to convert existing lecture notes to HTML for posting on the 210 Course Website. The availability of this set of notes will enable students to follow the lectures intellectually and without having to copy the board.

Subsequently, the notes will be enhanced through technologies that are not available in print-media but are made possible by the interactivity and the animation and graphics abilities of the web.

This entire project will be carried out by undergraduate students on a completely voluntary basis. The idea is that the students will greatly benefit from the interactions with their peers and with the instructor. Furthermore, working on this project will automatically lead to a deeper understanding of the material. Students currently enrolled in Chemistry 210 can participate and are encouraged to do so. Participation in this project can lead to Honors' credit if so desired. Furthermore, a group may participate in this project in lieu of the regular group projects assigned as part of Chemistry 210.

If you are interested in getting involved in this project, please come to the first meeting at the Bingham Multimedia Site on Thursday, February 13, 1997, at 6 pm. Bingham Hall is located south-east of the intersection between College and Rollins. If you come down College, walk toward the flat building and ask inside for the Mutimedia Site.

If you have questions about the Bingham Multimedia Site, please contact Matt Kerner directly. His address, e-mail and number are given below.

Matthew Kerner
Student Director, Bingham Multimedia Site
University of Missouri, Columbia
Tel.: (573) 884-7287

Here is a list of course sites that we might inspect:
N390 Research Methods in Nursing
N96 Introduction to Nursing Science