Department of Chemistry
The University of Missouri-Columbia
Chemistry 410 - Winter Semester '97

	Schedule for the Visit by
 	Priv.-Doz. Dr. J. Jens Wolff
 	Org.-Chem. Inst. der Uni. Heidelberg.
 	Currently at the U. of Wisconsion, Madison.

                Tuesday, May 13
        4:25    Arrival at Columbia Regional Airport
                Pickup at CRA and Dinner with Dr. Glaser 
		Drury Inn, Confirmation #60960D4C.

	        Wednesday, May 14
        8:30    Breakfast, Mike Lewis & Michelle Dennehy
	9:30    Dr. Loeppky
       10:00    Coffee in 115 Chemistry Building
       10:30    Dr. Sharp
       11:00	Dr. Keller
       11:30    Lunch with Organic Faculty
        1:00    Tour of Campus with Dr. Glaser
	2:00    Dr. Glaser
	2:40	Seminar in Room 50 Chemistry Building
                Push-Pull Arenes - What Symmetry 
		Does To Their Structures and 
		Non-Linear Optical Properties
	3:40    Graduate Students in 115 Chemistry Building 
	4:30    Transfer to CRA
	6:11	Departure from Columbia Regional Airport

		For details, please contact Rainer Glaser