The Conformational Study of Dansyldiethelenetriamine-Modified Beta-Cyclodextrin via "ROESY" Spectroscopy

Group name: JAW

    Abeywardane, Asitha S
    Jian, Wen
    Shi, Jianzheng

Group Meeting: 

    We have group meeting twice a week in GC-MS room. One is at lunch time on Friday, the other is on Monday morning after class. Each meeting lasted from 40 minutes to one hour. Normally we assigned task to each individual on Friday, and reported progress on Monday. On November 12 to 16, we met everyday to discuss problems in writing. scanning and editing the project.

Group dynamic:

    Working in a group for this project was really a positive experience. The first advantage is that we can search large amount of source. We are second and third graduate, and each has his or her own research project, so the time is very limited for us. By the combination of everyone effort, almost all 2D NMR topic in current top-notch journals were reviewed, which was hard to finish by single person. After one week's searching, we found five papers relevant to this project. After carefully reading and comparing, we decided to use Corradini's paper for this project(Corradini, R., etc., Fluorescent Chemosensor for Organic Guests and Copper(II) Ion Based on Dansyldiethylenetriamine-Modified beta-Cyclodextrin, Journal of organic Chemistry. 1997, 62, 6283-6289). In order to find a good paper, we searched five journals of 1995, 1996 and 1997. These journals are: Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of organic Chemistry, Tetrahedron Letter, Tetrahedron, NMR. In Tetrahedron Letter, some research employed 2D NMR, however no 2D NMR spectra appeared in this journal from 1995 to 1997. So the other four is important to us.

    With modern computer facility , we can located the desired papers in just seconds. This is greatest advantage. We combine the key word, 2D NMR with the journals name while using Ovoid data base, the list of papers will show up in seconds. However in reading these papers we encounted some difficulties. For example, some spectra are not clear enough for scanning although the paper is a good one. Normally the compound that require 2D NMR are very complicated, that is the reason the author would use 2D NMR instead of 1D NMR. However , we find it difficult to explain it in 3 pages project or in 15 minutes presentation. We kept searching, at last we found Corradini's paper. The spectra in this paper is very clear and more important, people can solve all the problem with their knowledge from course 416.

    Each of us benefits from working on this project. Before doing this project, we only know the a few terms of 2D NMR, like COSY, NOESY. However we don't how these spectra were created and how they can be used for practical problem. In preparing this project, we reviewed the pulse sequence of some important 2D technique, especially compared the difference between NOESY and ROESY. Some concepts are not easy to understand. At group meeting, we expressed our own understanding about pulse sequence and space coupling for these advanced 2D NMR techniques. The collaborative learning process is very efficient for a new area. Now we have a deep insight into the 2D NMR and some of us began to use this tool for graduate research.

    Working on this project increased our ability of analyzing a paper. Every year hundreds of thousands of papers were published in one research area. A researcher will confront how to grasp essences of so many papers. This project gave us a practice to review large amounts of papers. We usually spent 5 minutes on one paper to find if it was suitable for this project. By quick reviewing. each of us has read about 20 papers in different journals.

    Now the project is almost finished with the effort of each one of this group. Each of us value the cooperation of working on the two projects. It led us to mold a friendship. We hope we can work together in the future.