Fast NOESY Experiments

by The Alcohol Protecting Group

1. Group Name: Alcohol Protecting Group

2. Group Members: Dave A. Alvarez, Tarra E. Fuchs, Pat L. Kirchhoeffer

3. Group Meetings:

Nov. 7, 1997: After class for one hour, we discussed topic ideas. (Reading Room)

Nov. 10, 1997: After class for one hour, we discussed which of the articles found would be best. We discussed the articles found in Angew. Chem. with Rainer . We each chose a few cross- references to look up and review. (Reading Room, Rainer's office).

Nov. 11, 1997: From 10:15 - 11:30am, we discussed what type of questions should be asked regarding the article. (Reading Room).

Nov. 12, 1997: From 4:15-6:15, we finalized the problem set and we worked with the scanner in the computer room.
(Reading Room and Chemistry Computer lab).

Nov. 14, 1997: After class we looked over the work we had completed and made improvements. (Reading Room)

(We also worked individually finding articles and doing other background work.)

Nov.15 and 16, 1997: We worked in Physics Computer Lab for a few hours each day improving our html file.

Nov. 17, 1997: After class we make our final corrections and went through the peer evaluation forms carefully.

  1. Group Dynamics:

We found that working together previously made everything go more smoothly the second time. Being familiar with each others' schedules was particularly helpful. With regard to developing ideas for this project, we each did our fair share. We suppor ted and expanded each other's ideas.

Our major problem with this project was that it came at a difficult time. We were all busy doing many different things, and it was hard to find times to focus on this project.

This learning environment has carried into other classes. We each share another class with one other member of the group. We study for spectroscopy and our other classes together.

On a personal level, we are better friends because we have had this time to get to know each other better. Tarra and Pat are new and Dave does his research off campus, so none of us knew each other very well before this class started. The group proj ect has allowed us to become closer colleagues.

Overall, working as a group was good for this group. We work well together. We would support other opportunities to work as a group. (How about a group effort on the final exam! Ha Ha!!!)