Peer Assessment of Group 1 Peer Assessment of Group 1

Category Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Average
Problem Definition and Selection (0-15) 13 13 11.5 14 12.875
Proposed Spectroscopic Solution (0-15) 13 10 10 14 11.75
Market Screening (0-10) 9 8 10 9 9
Class Selection (0-10) 8 8 9 8 8.25
DCA I: Characteristics (0-10) 8 7 7 6 7
DCA II: Completeness (0-10) 8 9 8.5 6 7.75
DCA III: Costs (0-10) 9 9 8.5 9 8.75
Pros & Cons: The Verdict (0-10) 8 8 8.5 8 8.125
Overall Impression (0-10) 9 9 8.5 8 8.625
TOTAL 85 81 81 82 82.25

Evaluation by Group 2
> (A)Group II  JAW(evaluators)
> (B)Group  I  Dissolve in water
> (1) problem definition and selection : 13
> (2) Proposed spectroscopic solution : 13
> (3) Market screening : 9
> (4) Class selection : 8
> (5) Detailed Comparision of Alternative. part I: 8
> (6) Detailed comparision of Alternative. part II: 8
> (7) Detailed comparision of Alternative. part III: 9
> (8) Pros and Cons: The verdict.: 8
> (9) Overall Impresion.: 9

Evaluation by Group 3
>  Group 1--- Dissolve In Water
>  (A) Group-3:  Bible Study Class
>  (B) Group-1: Dissolved In Water
>  (C) Responses to Various Evaluation Categories
>      (1). Problem Definition and Selection: 13
>           It seem the project is very exciting!!! Fight against
>      (2). Proposed Spectroscopic Solution:10
>           Why do you not choose GC-IR? In fact, we think that GC-IR is
> another choice. It is not time-consuming, moreover, GC is used for
> purification. 
>      (3). Market Screening:8 
>      (4). Class Selection: 8
>      (5). Detailed Comparison of Alternative: Part I Characteristics 7
>      (6). Detailed Comparison of Alternative: Part II Completeness: 9
>      (7). Detailed Comparison of Alternative: Part III Costs: 9 
>      (8). Pros & Cons:8
>      (9). Overall Impression: 9  

Evaluation by Group 4
  B)Group 1:Dissolved in water
         C)(1) Problem definition and selection:11.5
               Problem is not too well defined ,need to be a bit more
           (2) Proposed spectroscopic solution:10
               Concentrated only on GC-MS no other spectroscopic methods
               were compared with. 
           (3) Market screening:10
               All the major companies in the market were contacted.
           (4) Class selection:9
               Very elucidative and clear distinctions were made 
           (5) Detailed comparison of alternatives:Characteristics:7 
               Three most decisive characteristics not properly discussed.
           (6) Completeness of quotes:8.5
               The comparison range is vivid and detailed.
           (7) Costs:8.5
               The cost for items of JEOL JMS-GC mate was all under one
               heading it could have been splitted to give the cost for
               individual items.
           (8) Pros and cons:8.5
               The main decision was price oriented however a point well
               illustrated is that JEOL JMS-GC mate of JEOL uses 
               Hewlett-Packard 6890 GC for the GC component.
           (9) Overall impression:8.5
               Although the project lacked proper motive the background is
               very realistic and convincing.
             Total points:81

Evaluation by Group 5
A) Evaluators: Group 5, Alcohol Protecting Group
B) Evaluees: Group 1, Dissolved In H2O
C)1.Definition and Selection:  14 points
	Problem was defined well.  The need to analyze/characterize
illegal drugs is realistic and the ideas regarding this are well thought
out. The example to two drugs that might be tested for was a good idea.
  2.  Solution:  14 points
	Clear thoughts are expressed when stating why GCMS would be an
appropriate method for drug sample analysis.
  3.  Market Screen:  9 points
	The 5 Company requirement was met, with links included.  The only
thing that may have been nice, was a short description of the type of
instrument each company offered. IE State which company only had self
assembled, top of the line instruments.
  4.  Class Selection: 8 points
	It is clear that top of the line is not what is being considered,
but a break down of the middle-of-the-road bench top devices would have
been helpful.
  5.  Characteristics:  6 points
	The three most important characteristics were not clearly and
concisely defined.  Several things were mentioned (ionization
capabilities, automated injection, etc), but it was difficult to pinpoint
3 characteristics of highest importance.
  6.  Completeness:   6 Points
	The quote is good, except for the dashes (-) shown in the chart.
Do they mean these things are not available or do they mean you did not
have individualized prices for these items? 
  7.  Costs:   9 points
	 The origin of quote and period of validity information was good.
Prices for the GC columns would have been good.
  8.  Pros and Cons:  9 points
	The final decision to purchase the less glamorous GC was reached
in a fairly clear, rational way.
  9.  Overall:  8 points
	Good Job.  Minor revisions recommended:  More detail on GC columns
available and highlight the 3 most important aspects the group was
considering. The layout of the HTML was well done.