PRISM-MLS Proseminar III -- Research Seminar for Second-Year MLS Students, 2009 Fellows, Fall Semester 2010

Date Speaker(s) & Topic Mentor(s) Location SC-Item
Sept. 9 Micah Uptegrove
"Photoacoustic Reflections" (PDF)
Dr. John Viator, Biol. Engineering 110 Math, 8pm Basic Format
Sept. 16 Dylan Pisechko
"Cell Culture Modeling and Mutational Probability"
Dr. Stephen Montgomery-Smith, Mathematics 110 Math, 8pm Hypothesis
Sept. 23 Apropos: School Site Visits MLS Faculty 110 Math, 8pm -
Sept. 30 Josh Santoli
"Electrospinning Collagen in Differing Concentrations"
Dr. Sheila Grant, Biological Engineering 110 Math, 8pm Reference Format
Oct. 7 Paige Kuhlmann
"Understanding the activities of satellite cells using time-lapse video technology"
Dr. Dawn Cornelison, Biological Sciences 110 Math, 8pm Tables
Oct. 14 Cory Camasta
"Energy Dispersion in Nitromethane Crystals"
Dr. Thomas Sewell, Chemistry 110 Math, 8pm
Oct. 21 Mary Jost & Kallie Brown
"Oscillating Reactions: The Chemistry"
Dr. Rainer Glaser, Chemistry
Dr. Carmen Chicone, Mathematics
110 Math, 8pm Art
Oct. 28 Mary Jost & Kallie Brown
"Oscillating Reactions: The Math"
Dr. Carmen Chicone, Mathematics
Dr. Rainer Glaser, Chemistry
110 Math, 8pm Schemes
Nov. 4 Aaron Schuh
"Identifying the normal ranges of behavior in an agent-based epidemic model"
Dr. Lisa Sattenspiel, Anthropology 110 Math, 8pm Hypothesis Testing
Nov. 11 No Meeting / Org. Chem. Test
Nov. 18 Matt Merlenbach
"The Best from Mythbusters!"
Jamie Hyneman & Adam Savage
110 Math, 8pm Matt has the whole hour!
Dec. 2 Jenna Cabler
"Improving Math Comprehension in ELL Students"
Dr. Kathryn Chval, Education 110 Math, 8pm "Manöver Kritik"

Planned for Spring '11 Megan Schmidt
"Photoacoustic Detection of Melanoma"
Dr. John A. Viator, Biol. Engineering 110 Math, 8pm