© 1997 Rainer Glaser. All rights reserved.

University of Missouri at Columbia
Chemistry 416 - Spectroscopy for Organic Chemists - Fall Semester 1997


Instructor Professor Rainer Glaser
Office 321 Chemistry Building
Telephone (573) 882-0331
E-Mail chemrg@showme.missouri.edu
Chemistry 416 Website on WWW http://www.missouri.edu/~chemrg/RG_T_FS97.html

There will be 44 scheduled lectures which includes an introduction (on the first day of class, Monday, August 22) and three one-hour-exams. The following course schedule is preliminary and I might lengthen or shorten parts of the course as I see fit depending on feedback. What this schedule provides is primarily the sequence of the material we will cover. Note that suggested reading and exercises & self-study will be specified in the last two columns. These self-study assignments will be added as the semester progresses. You should have read the chapters before that lecture is given. We will omit parts of various chapters and appropriate announcements will be made in class. And remember: Chemistry can be great fun but good things never come easy!

Electron Spin Resonance (EPR) and Photoelectron Spectroscopy are not yet included in this course but might be taught in future. Please refer to the more comprehensive and permanently updated bibliography on Organic Spectroscopy for details.

Nr. Day Date Topic Reading Self-Study
1 M 8/25 Introduction Syllabus et al. -
2 W 8/27 NMR - Zeeman Effect Gen. Spec. Field Preface
3 F 8/29 Prof. Glaser on Lecture Trip NMR Bibliography -
4 M 9/1 Labor Day Friebolin Field 1-5
5 W 9/3 NMR - FT-NMR I Friebolin -
6 F 9/5 NMR - FT-NMR II, Groups Formed FT-NMR -
7 M 9/8 NMR - Shielding I (local) Local Shielding Field 6-10
8 W 9/10 NMR - Shielding II (non-local) Nonlocal Shielding -
9 F 9/12 NMR - Shielding III (increments) Increments -
10 M 9/15 NMR - Shielding IV (increments) Pretsch et al. Field 11-15
11 W 9/17 NMR - Coupling I (equivalence, chem. / magn.) Friebolin -
12 F 9/19 NMR - Coupling II (spin systems)
Approval Proj. #1 Topic
Coupling -
13 M 9/22 Quiz I, Prof. Glaser on Lecture Trip - Field 16-20
14 W 9/24 NMR - Coupling III (magnitude of J) Friebolin -
15 F 9/26 NMR - Coupling IV (magnitude of J) Pretch et al. -
16 M 9/29 NMR - Decoupling & Relaxation Friebolin Field 21-25
17 W 10/1 NMR - 1-Dim. Sequen. I (Spin-Echo) Friebolin Specific Exercises
18 F 10/3 NMR - 1-Dim. Sequen. II (DEPT, INEPT) 1D-NMR -
19 M 10/6 Examination #1 (NMR) - Field 26-32
20 W 10/8 NMR - 2-Dim. NMR I Friebolin -
21 F 10/10 NMR - 2-Dim. NMR II
Submission of Project #1
2D-NMR -
22 M 10/13 NMR - 2-Dim. NMR III NOE Field 33-40
23 W 10/15 NMR - 2-Dim. NMR IV Strategy Specific Exercises
24 F 10/17 UV - El. Transitions & Chromophores
Electron Spectroscopy -
25 M 10/20 UV - Frank-Condon Factor, Vib. Fine Str.;
Wave Length, Wave Numbers & Energy; Beer's Law
Lambert Field 41-47
26 W 10/22 UV - Polarized Light, ORD & CD
Peer Review of Project #1 Completed
27 F 10/24 UV - Chromophores and Molecular Structure
Results for Project #1 Posted
UV/Vis Apps.
Fluores. Apps.
Specific Exercises UV/Vis
28 M 10/27 UV - Octant Rule ORD&CD Field 48-55
29 W 10/29 UV - Increment Systems (for lambdamax) Lambert et al., Pretsch et al. -
30 F 10/31 Professor Glaser at ACS Meeting - -
31 M 11/3 Examination #2 (UV/Vis) - Field 56-62
32 W 11/5 UV - Exciton Chirality Excitons -
33 F 11/7 UV - Solvent Effects (UV/Vis & Fluor.) Solvation -
34 M 11/10 IR - Instruments Lambert Field 63-70
35 W 11/12 IR - Sampling IR Bibliography -
36 F 11/14 IR - ATR Methods
Submission of Project #2.
ATR Specific Exercises: IR
37 M 11/17 IR - As a Probe in Chemistry IR Apps. Field 170-177
38 W 11/19 IR - Solvent Effects Raman Apps. -
39 F 11/21 IR - Examples - -
40 M 11/24 Examination #3 (IR) - Field 182-186
41 W 11/26 Thanksgiving Recess - -
42 F 11/28 Thanksgiving Recess - -
43 M 12/1 MS - Ionization MS Bibliography Field 194-200
44 W 12/3 MS - Instrumentation MS Apps. Specific Problems: MS
45 F 12/5 MS - Ion Reactions, MW, MF, Isotopes
Peer Review of Project #2 Completed
- -
46 M 12/8 MS - SIM, (G/L)C-MS, MS-MS
Results of Project #2 Posted
- -
47 W 12/10 MS - Structure Elucidation - -
- M 12/15 3-5pm The Final Learning Experience Comprehensive and about current research - -

Excellence is a Habit